Palkkio+ invoicing service

You can send invoices through the Palkkio+ service as a light entrepreneur without having to acquire a business ID for as little as 0% service charges. Register and start a new era in your career.


Palkkio+ is a service for light entrepreneurs tailored to the needs of Akava’s affiliates’ members.

As a member of Suomen Ekonomit, you can send invoices through the service for free up to EUR 1,000 as a light entrepreneur, in other words, you do not need a business ID. If your earnings exceed EUR 1,000, you must pay a service charge of 3.2%. It is significantly cheaper than other invoicing services.

Palkkio+ is a good choice when you wish to send invoices for your entrepreneurial work in a simple and effortless way: you do not need to deal with any red tape! Palkkio+ handles all the regulatory requirements.